How to choose a mini-warehouse and three key points for renting in 2022 | One Storage


Many people rent mini storage to make more space for their belongings and to make more room in their homes. There are also many people who rent mini storage for renovation, moving house, moving company or collecting their favourite limited edition shoes, comics, hand-made figures and models. What should I be aware of when renting mini storage? Here are a few things to note when renting mini storage. 

Mini storage rental 1 - Pay attention to the fire prevention facilities and safety specifications of the mini storage 

When renting a mini-warehouse, apart from choosing the right size, it is also important to note that whether you are renting a mini-warehouse for short-term renovation and moving, long-term storage of household items, storage of your favourite items, or for company storage of documents, you need to pay attention to whether the mini-warehouse you are renting meets the Fire Services Department's specifications for mini-warehouses in Hong Kong. In particular, most mini-warehouses use flammable cardboard boxes for storage, so you should try to avoid losses due to fire in the mini-warehouse. 

Mini Storage 2 - Pay attention to the security measures of the mini storage 

Many people rent mini-warehouses to store treasured items such as red wine, limited edition bobble shoes, hand-made figures and models. In addition, if you need to rent a mini-warehouse for a short period of time due to renovation and relocation, although it is only for a short period of time, you will be storing some high value electrical appliances and furniture in the mini-warehouse, and the mini-warehouse is usually open 24 hours a day for customers to access the items. 

Mini Storage 3 - Pay attention to the hygiene and ventilation of the mini storage

Finally, when renting mini storage, you should also pay attention to the hygiene and ventilation inside the mini storage. As cardboard boxes are most commonly used for storing miscellaneous items in mini storage, care should be taken to avoid damage to stored items due to humidity and rodent infestation. In particular, it is advisable to use vacuum storage bags or plastic boxes to protect treasured items from moisture. 

In fact, there are many mini-storages that meet all the above requirements for renting mini-storage, such as One Storage, which meets the Fire Services Department's fire and safety requirements for mini-storage in Hong Kong, and has a 24-hour mini-storage security system and facilities. In order to meet the storage requirements of our customers, we also strive to maintain a hygienic and well-ventilated environment, which can cater to all your requirements. 


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