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Mini Storage | What to do in Hong Kong rental housing

Hong Kong has always been short of living space, and many people are suffering from the problem of lack of living space, but it is not easy to move out or rent a bigger place under the pressure of rent. Therefore, m...


Mini Storage|Documents that should be placed in the 3 large mini storages

What Documents Should Be Stored in a Mini Warehouse?   Commercial documents can take up a significant amount of valuable space in an offi...


One Storage|Mini Storage|Storage Proposals for the 4 Major Food and Beverage Industries

If you are a restaurant owner, mini storage can provide useful space for storing equipment when you are not using certain equipment, especially during the off-season. Whether you run a restaurant or a catering busin...

媒體報導|過千珍藏球鞋靚衫 過百自製Cosplay服 杜如風迷你倉如拍賣行寶庫 嚴選頂級保安中心|u lifestyle

杜如風除了是出名的Shopping精和收藏家,還有有太多回憶不能斷捨離:數不清的靚衫、過千對鞋、過百件DIY cosplay衫、可樂樽Collection,還有無數旅行時衝動買回來的戰利品。曾經被家人日哦夜哦,近年終於的起心肝租迷你倉,除了令藏...

媒體報導|杜如風預告出發九州拍新節目 首度與迷你倉品牌合作繼續買到手軟|am730



Chai Wan - One Storage Branch Location|Mini Storage

Chai Wan is surrounded by mountains on three sides and faces the sea on one side, so it attracts boats to take shelter from the wind. Chai Wan is also one of the origins of Hong Kong's fishing port culture. At p...

Latest One Storage Offer | Mini Storage | Discount | Recommended Premium Mini Storage|Best Mini Storage

Have you ever stopped to consider how much a regular 1x2 foot storage box actually costs in terms of space? In Hong Kong, where space is at a premium and residential square footage is valued at over $16,000 pe...

媒體報導|杜如風出遊要帶一打喼 大晒收藏品一件波衫升值6倍|am730


媒體報導|杜如風天生購物狂至愛珍藏球衣值6位數 熱愛cosplay曾嚇喊小朋友|香港01

旅遊達人杜如風 (Helen) 出了名是購物狂,有她出現就知話題總離不開「購物」或「旅遊」。她曾於麥玲玲主持的節目中分享她的「購物慾」是如何鍊成。   杜如風更被封為...

媒體報導|杜如風收藏狂熱:從百套Cosplay服裝到千對鞋珍藏之旅|New Monday


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