You will be rewarded for your referrals with unlimited bonuses! |One Storage

You will be rewarded for your referrals with unlimited bonuses! |One Storage

Reward yourself by helping your friends. Refer a friend and get $500, unlimited bonus*.


Refer-a-Friend Offer
Offer Details|How to participate in the Refer-a-Friend Offer
Terms and Conditions


Friend Referral Program

One Storage customers, welcome to join the Reward Referral Program for free.
Thank you! Choose to become a member of One Storage, you can help your friends to solve the problem of storage. Hong Kong is small and crowded, friends and you face the same problem, space is narrow and complicated storage, One Storage can really help you!

Storing is a problem, everyone has the problem of storage?

Moving to a new house, not enough storage space?
New parents, your baby needs more space to grow up?
Sportsman, no space for tent, sled and Golf bag?
Collector, do you need to keep your toys and models in a safe place?
Small Business: Do you need mini storage for your online store?
Bicyclist, don't want to park on the street but there is no space in the house?
Cosplayer, where should I put my cosplay clothes?
Starting a company, don't want to put documents and miscellaneous items in a messy place?

If you want to help your friends and make their lives more comfortable, share your invitation code now!


Offer Details|How to participate in the friend referral program?

Simple referral method, you will be rewarded for opening a friend account.

We have opened a personalized referral account for you, your unique discount code will be sent to you via WhatsApp and email, pass your unique referral code to your friend, both parties will establish a one-to-one invitation relationship, if your friend successfully rents the One Storage service, your friend will receive a special discount of $500 cash, and you will also receive a $500 cash bonus at the same time. *


Terms and Conditions

*Terms and Conditions: Friend Referral Discount Code is only applicable to new customers who register One Storage for the first time for 6 months or above. Successful referrals will be rewarded with bonus each time, and the referrals will be entitled to special discounts. Discounts and bonuses will be adjusted from time to time by One Storage, please contact our customer service for details.




作者:至尊迷你倉收納大師 Chan Tai Man (One Storage 多年收納經驗)

作者:至尊迷你倉收納大師 Chan Tai Man | 嚟緊搬嘢?唔洗驚,我大隻仔係迷你倉嘅收納大師,識得幫你搵最抵至尊嘅迷你倉。仲有好多迷你倉收納及推介經驗,同你分享啲最實用嘅迷你倉優惠資訊。


裝修搬屋 | 短期租倉 | One Storage 幫到你|迷你倉 | 自存倉



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