

A guide to living with a mom who doesn't spend more than $10,000 a month  

A guide to living with a mom who doesn't spend more than $10,000 a month

Hong Kong is a small and densely populated city. Mothers living with their children in Hong Kong are often faced with the problem of cramped accommodation, with rooms filled with books, papers, household items and miscellaneous goods, which can be very depressing. With the high rent in Hong Kong, it is important to make the best use of every corner.


Generally speaking, when accompanying moms encounter this kind of situation, they may consider renting a bigger house to solve the space problem, but this will greatly increase your monthly expenses. As a smart mom, you should choose to rent a mini-storage to solve the problem of lack of space!


📦 Rent a mini storage unit to store your clutter

Put your lesser-used but bulky items into a mini storage, such as seasonal clothing, books and household items that you don't use often. This will make your living environment cleaner and more spacious.


📍 One Storage has many branches easy to access.

One Storage has as many as 40 outlets all over Hong Kong, and they are all located in convenient places. No matter which store you choose, it's easy to access your belongings.


💰 One Storage has a high price-performance ratio.

A 15 square foot medium-sized storage unit, for example, can be rented for just a few hundred dollars a month, so you can save money by avoiding having to spend a lot of money on a larger space because you have too many items. Using One Storage is both affordable and practical.


💸 Make good use of your finances


A mom always wants to make the best arrangements for her family. Renting a mini-warehouse is a smart way to save space and reduce financial stress. The money that moms save can be used for their children's education and other important family expenses, so it's a win-win situation!




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作者:至尊迷你倉資深格價師 Chan Siu Jie (One Storage 多年著數經驗)

作者:至尊迷你倉資深格價師 Chan Siu Jie | 身為一名至尊迷你倉價格顧問,我擁有豐富的迷你倉折扣優惠經驗,及有豐富的收納知識與技巧。若閣下有空,我樂意與您分享更多有關迷你倉的相關資訊。

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